Thursday, January 15, 2009

Random Catch-up Pics

Christmas Morning at the Giles. The boys are in their matching pajamas from Mamaw. We love them.

Our brand new frog tent from Christmas. The boys love playing in it!

Beck's latest war wound. With the flash it is not as prominant, but he has a huge line bruise across his cheek, and the inside corner of his eye is turning black. How did he get this you say? At the library of course - very dangerous place.


ChelseaSalomone said...

Ok Nick and I were literally laughing SO hard and Beck's hair in Christmas pjs. Here is pulling a "Dupree" FOR SURE.

Exhibit a:

-Note his hair at 1:03 and 1:11. It's Beck.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your boys are soooo BIG!! When did Beck get that big? I do love the hair as well. :) That tent looks like something my kiddos would love too!
See you soon!

Hagen and Mason said...

I love the matching pjs!!!