Tuesday, December 9, 2008


In an effort to give our boys an authentic and historical perspective on Thanksgiving, we took a new approach this year. To start with we adorned their heads with the most stereotypical hats possible (see picture to the left). Any history book will tell you that all Pilgrims wore hats with brims 4 inches wider than their shoulders and slapped a Big Tex belt buckle right in front. Beck decided, or it was decided for him, that he would represent the native American Indian. We went with this design of headdress after watching Peter Pans' Lost Boys get captured by the Indians. We were inspired by the "How did the red man get red" politically correct song. We went with two feathers to represent his age...oh shoot he is only 1 this year. Oops.
Anyway, once we were appropriately dressed, Courtney explained that we celebrate Thanksgiving because the Indians helped the first Pilgrims survive their first winter. Apparently they waited 8 months after winter to make sure they had really made it. Now that we were all confused the only thing left to do was to get the food ready. I took the boys out back, gave Nash a gun, he shot the Turkey, Beck plucked it, Courtney pulled out the innards and I deep fried it just as they did low those many years ago.
Just another holiday at the Giles house...


Hagen and Mason said...

Love it!!! Can't wait to see how you celebrate Christmas :-)

Roger, Amanda, Karys and Hannah said...

What a hoot! Did Nash shoot the turkey with a gun or a bow and arrow? It's important to be as accurate and true to life as possible.

Anonymous said...

You crack me up! :)