First and foremost both of the boys had birthdays. I cannot believe that Nash is already 4 and my precious baby Beck is now 2. I don't say it enough but I love my boys. They are like sunshine everyday. The both are so sweet and yet so different. Nash is all about puzzles and building and figuring things out while still running around like a crazy man. Beck is all about being tough. When playing monster he does not run away from the monster, but turns and runs into the monster and hits him. He makes crazy faces and adores his older brother. Together they are thick as thieves and a joy to be around. Happy birthday to my two precious boys!

Happy birthday boys.
OH MY GOSH- Nash is like a clone of you but then I look again and he's a clone of Lance. He is seriously this perfect blend of both of you that I can totally see. Glad you're back in the blogging world- I've missed you guys.
When you say "thick as thieves" it reminds me of the real housewives of New Jersey. I sure do miss them!!!!
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