Friday, April 24, 2009

I love Moose

To give some background on these pictures about a month ago we checked out a book from the library about moose. The story was about a kid who wanted moose as pets and how great they were. Nash totally loved this story and has decided he wanted a moose as a pet. Flash forward a couple of weeks and one of my friends from school, Tammi, came to babysit the boys. Nash kept talking about how much he wanted a moose as a pet. Tammi, being who she is, loved that Nash loved moose and found two stuffed mooses (?) for the boys. Here are some pictures of the boys with their mooses (?). Thanks Tammi - they love the stuffed animals!!


Hagen and Mason said...

It is meese. Just kidding, I think it stays moose all the time, plural or singular. I love Nash's pjs in the second picture. You need to make moose munch for the moose to eat ;-)

ChelseaSalomone said...

Hahahaha. LOVE those little blonde twins.

Anonymous said...

Your boys are so CUTE!! I love that curly blond hair! ugh! So adorable!