Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring - Cleaning and Walk

As many of you with kids know the toys just grow exponentially as the days go by, so in order to keep your sanity you have to weed out every once in a while. Now is that time for us. We are having a garage sale on April 4th so I am trying to get everything ready ahead of time. In order to see what we had, what had lost pieces, and what we needed to get rid of I had the boys help me bring ALL the toys into the living room. The picture really does not do it justice, but we had a great time getting all the toys out and purging.

The second picture is what it represents. Today we were out on a family walk when we walked by some beautiful hanging purple flowers. As we walked by Nash said to Lance"I am going to pick one of the purple flowers for my sweet mommy." Needless to say I was won over quickly. So when we got home we took a picture of our flowers.

Lastly here is a picture of Beck with his new haircut. When did he get so big? He looks so much like a little boy and no longer a baby.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Bedtime Madness

Lance and I have known this day was coming for quite a while, but we have been putting it off for as long as possible. Sunday night I decided to suck it up and move the boys into the same room to sleep at night. They will have to sleep in the same room in Colorado and we want them to be used to it before we get up there. After talking to several people I went in thinking that the first couple night would be crazy but the newness would wear off quickly. So far I am totally wrong. It is night 5 and they have not fallen asleep before 10:00 yet. The good news is that they LOVE being in the same room. The bad news is that they love being in the same room. Nash just wants to have fun and Beck is all too happy to oblige. They sit in the room cracking up and talking to each other for hours. My question is at what point do they give it up and lay down? We find Nash in his bed, with his covers on, fast asleep, so we know that at some point he goes and gets himself in bed. What I would not give for a video camera that works in the dark.
At this point I am debating taking Beck back out so they can get some sleep because I have to tell you they are both cranky boys on less sleep. Should I wait it out and give it more time or do I seperate now and try again in a couple months. Help!! I have no answers