Wel I could not think of anything to occupy her for three to four days. Canton...not long enough. Shopping at the big mall in Minnesota...too cold. A full spa weekend...I don't think she would enjoy it (really, who would?). So when in doubt, call Autumn (the sister).
Oh, by the way, did I mention that this June is Courtney's 30th birthday? She has mentioned it to me a time or two and let me know that she might like to do something big for this momentus occasion. Once again, big event=call Autumn (the sister).
Why didn't I think of this before? Combine my desire to have the boys to myself for a weekend and Courtney's big birthday event. Genius! I wonder if...she might...no way...well maybe...she really might...this could work...LET"S SEND HER TO NEW YORK CITY!
Since I am all out of material let me sum it up. Courtney, mom, sister and friend are going to NYC for the weekend over Memorial Day. Lance, boy 1 and boy 2 are hoping to stay out of the emergency room over Memorial Day weekend. Let's see who wins!