Thursday, August 28, 2008


I love this picture, but more than that I loved seeing this moment. Lance was practicing his guitar in the office when both of the boys came in as quickly as possible and started to climb up to be with him. It is a testament to what an awesome dad he is. Nash and Beck love being around him.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympic Challenge

As many of you out there - I really am not giving up on blogging, I am just watching the Olympics every free second.

This blog comes to you from the mind of my awesome husband. We have not taken on the challenge ourselves, but I think all of you should. To fully appreciate the amazing accomplishments of these athletes we have come up with the Olympic Challenge. As soon as possible go with a friend to the nearest track and time yourself in the 100 meter dash. Keep in mind that the women are running it in about 11 seconds. Next take yourself to the nearest lap pool and time yourself swimming 50 meters. Double your time and then put it up against the mens 100 freestyle which is about 53 seconds.

After you do that you can sit back and enjoy the rest of the Olympics. I know we are!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Home Again

Well we are officially home again. It is always bittersweet to come home. We are definitely ready to come home and see friends and family, but leaving the beauty (and beautiful weather) of Colorado is sad. To mark our coming home here are some things that I personally will miss about Durango.

* The clothes I get to wear. No one cares what you are wearing there. I think I wore athletic shorts and long sleeve t-shirts everyday for a month straight. That includes going out to dinner and everything.

* The clothes other women in Durango wear. I mean how often in Dallas do see Birekenstocks and Chacos with every outfit including dresses.

* The weather and the fact that Nash can play outside all day long. Here we can go out from about 8:00 - 10:00 am and 7:00 - 8:00 pm.

* The high school sign. It reads (and I kid you not) "Have a safe and sober summer". I mean this is a great message, but the kids there are all 18 and under and are not supposed to be drinking. Would any school around here be able to pull that off?

* Mainly I will miss our awesome staff. It is like leaving part of your family. It is also nice to always have someone to play games with at night. Our house is quite quiet once the boys go to bed.

I am going to try to keep the blog up, but it won't be as exciting.