Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Nash had a blast on his first trick or treating trip. The little pirate scored a lot of booty. Wait...that sounded bad. I mean he got a lot of candy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Friday, October 26, 2007

Welcome to our Family!

Welcome to the Giles family blog! For a subscription of only $1000 per month you can be privy to the inside scoop of the lives of Lance, Courtney, Nash and Beck. In addition to the insider information you will receive for your subscription, first glance photos will be available of our family in action. Since we lead incredibly exciting lives you should plan to check this site at least twice a day to stay up on the latest "goings on" of the girl and her boys.

Thanks for visiting us and please send your initiation payment to the "Lance and Courtney Giles Family". The post office knows where we live.